
Survive Style 5+

Survive Style 5+/ PosterUčora pierš jak vykliučyć telievizar pstryknuŭ na Cinemu.
Čysta aŭtamatyčna, ad niama čaho rabić.
I tut ekran źjechaŭ z katušak, pačalasia takaja admarozka, ažno chacielasia siabie ŭščyknuć: a rapram ja spliu.
Klierk kvochkaje jak kuryca i vučycca liotać z treciaha pavierchu, mužyk močyć svaju žonku, zakapvaje ŭ liesie, viartajecca dachaty — a jana tut jak tut, naša pieśnia charaša, pačynaj spačatku…

Survive Style 5+ is the kind of film that is rarely made because it is so out of the box that producers and financiers have no interest in taking a chance on it. It's difficult, in fact, to even categorize this film into a genre. It contains dark comedy, but also elements found in action, horror, science fiction, and drama. In this bizarre film, five seemingly independent stories somehow come together: A man kills and buries his wife only to find her quite alive when he arrives home--over and over again; A salaryman, with a wife and two kids, sees a famous hypnotist only to be permanently turned into a man who thinks he's a chicken; An advertising executive loses it and comes up with some of the most vulgar commercials ever seen; A gang of young criminals find out they have homosexual tendencies; An English assassin (played wonderfully by British soccer player Vinnie Jones) looks for new clients. (amazon.com)

Jasny pierac, što kina hetaha ŭ narmaľnaj jakaści ŭ našych šyrotach daviadziecca pašukać…

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